
I am filled with inescapable Joy of Being

in the stillness of first light,

a connection with Life and Death and Self

as Energy of Source glows bright.

It seems a never-ending bliss

of love and joy and peace,

and as I bask with gratitude

these feelings all increase.

Too soon I interrupt this flow,

daily ‘busyness’ fills my mind.

My connection is forgotten now;

I leave the bliss behind.

To live back in a surface space

in day-to-day routine

is what we’re taught life’s all about

and what’s most often seen.

Our egos must stay hard at work

to keep division strong,

but deep inside our hearts cry out

“there IS a different song”.

In the stillness of the dawn’s first light

when we greet Eternity,

if we bring it to our surface space

we’ll live in peace and unity.

ora millis