Dot net

All the answers to our questions , are out there on the ‘net’

The problem is, there’s so much there, we don’t know what we’ll get.

That information highway is great if flat and straight

but ‘round the bend it may just end, and lead us to our fate.

What to read?

What to believe?

There’s so much info there.

But where to look?

Online’s not a book


We surf and we play,

spending day after day,

chasing dreams that lead far and near;

then - on one site -

we encounter the mite

that infects us with chaos and fear.

So keep your vibes strong,

as you search for your song,

avoiding pitfalls of fear I describe;

the info is there,

but your heart must take care

to embrace only the uplifting vibes.

All the answers to your questions, are out there on the ‘net’.

The problem is, there’s so much there, we don’t know what we’ll get.

That information highway is great if flat and straight,

but ‘round the bend it may just end - lets all stay wide awake!

ora millis