
It’s time to move forward, leave the chaos and fear

leave an outdated ‘I, we’ far behind.

Together we’re finding a much gentler place

where ‘we, us’ can bring peace of mind.

The most vulnerable among us require many resources.

They need healers, equipment and space.

As we isolate ourselves, we help flatten the curve,

and ensure those in need have a place.

If it’s time they depart, but we cannot be near,

They know it’s for our safety too.

Our hearts join in love, though our hands are apart,

and our thoughts bid each other adieu.

It’s time to be kind, to be gentle and aware,

to help others as we work through Earth’s pain. 

We are working together, charting new ways,

and our progress is everyone’s gain.

It’s time to move forward, though the way seems unclear,

time to lift ourselves out of the weeds

to where the sun is still shining, the winds fresh and free,

and the vibes tell us all we succeed.

ora millis