Such memories I’ve woven to dress up my Truth
into a more pleasing light!
Bright colours, bold patterns, layers and veils -
hiding All from sight.
Antics and gyrations unconsciously continue
forging deeper plights
‘til I too am buried, deep then deeper,
mired beyond any delight.
I wish to waken from hidden agendas
unconscious though they may be,
and shed the illusions i’ve built in my mind
about my reality.
I wish to discard the lies and discord
by opening my eyes to see
that kindness, truth, love and peace
are One with Humanity.
I’ve created all this, so it’s mine to own -
to acknowledge, then let go:
then advance with the vibes that move me forward
as the synchronicities surface and grow.
I realize now, it is up to me
to open my heart to this flow;
and by removing the blocks, the layers, the veils,
uncover Eternity’s glow.
ora millis